what to say about interesting facts about yourself

60+ Fun Facts About Yourself + How to Share Them in an Interview

When an interviewer is looking to learn more than nigh you lot as a person, they might ask you to tell some fun facts about yourself. Here are a few interview-safe options.

"Tell me a fun fact near yourself."

Imagine this: you take your seat at a dinner party, nourish a course, or join a Zoom breakout room full of strangers. You know what'south coming next and you instantly feel a sense of dread—an icebreaker. They want to know a fun fact well-nigh you. "It tin be anything!" they exclaim.

Practise you share the most embarrassing moment or your biggest accomplishment? Practise you regale your audience with funny stories or share your guilty pleasure? Do you accept a subconscious talent that yous want to share?

Nosotros created a long list of examples of fun facts in a multifariousness of topics. Bookmark this folio and always accept a few fun facts on hand to leave of any small-scale talk dead finish.

Y'all can employ these prompts to give a look into your personal life, connect with your colleagues, or crusade a grouping to double over in laughter.

You'd exist surprised by how much it delights others, especially when they light upwardly to tell their own fun facts about their ain lives, too.

60+ Fun Facts About Yourself That You Tin Share

When brainstorming facts about yourself, information technology may be helpful to consider random, fun, and interesting facts.

Here are some ideas and examples of different types of facts to share in an interview, while networking, or over lunch with a friend.

There's a sweetness spot for a fun fact that delivers but doesn't haunt you for the rest of your days.

For example, if you share that you can practice a double backflip, await to be asked to practise it for every person, at every party, and at the terminate of every meeting, and for the company TikTok.

Random Facts

  • Your high school superlative. Did you win the best laugh? (*Don't utilise it if it makes you seem arrogant or complacent.)
  • Your favorite food to consume
  • Your favorite nutrient to make
  • Your hometown, specially if it'due south vastly different from your electric current location
  • Your nearly-prized possession
  • A prized object y'all carried everywhere with yous every bit a child (extra points if you still have information technology!)
  • The get-go book you always remember reading
  • Your favorite book and why
  • A formative retentiveness or your primeval memory—especially if information technology pertains to the task
  • The color of your first sleeping accommodation (my nephew used to inquire this when he was three years erstwhile, and I think it's a corking question)
  • A "underground" talent
  • Celebrities who share your birthday
  • Something y'all learned late in life (like how Goofy is a cow and not a dog?!)
  • A "quirk" virtually you (east.thou., "I am always 20 minutes early for everything.")
  • The ane type of food you would eat for the residuum of your life if you had to pick
  • Your favorite podcast
  • Your first favorite pic
  • Your outset memory from early babyhood
  • The weirdest coincidence yous've always experienced
  • How you "constitute out" about Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy
  • A funny award yous won every bit a kid
  • Your first auto
  • Your childhood celebrity vanquish
  • Your biggest pet peeve

Answer with a Random Fact:

"I'm an Idealist with an ENFJ personality type. This means that my leadership mode is forward-thinking and relationship-oriented. Oprah Winfrey and Barack Obama are also ENFJs, if this gives y'all a better thought of my personality."

Geography Facts

Think this category couldn't accept much life? Remember again! There are plenty of fun facts near yourself that you can share when it relates to your longitude and breadth.

Here are a few fun facts to share about where you lot were built-in, how many schools you attended, or what states you oasis't visited yet.

  • Where you born and where y'all lived for your first year of life
  • How many states you have visited in The United States
  • Your travel bucket listing
  • The best place you've ever visited
  • The most incredible natural phenomena you lot've seen
  • The wildest travel story y'all take to share
  • How many times you moved in your childhood
  • The best city you've ever visited
  • The coldest or hottest temperature you've always experienced
  • The longest you take always walked (both distance and fourth dimension)
  • The farthest you've always driven
  • The fastest you lot've ever run a mile
  • The strangest place you've e'er fallen asleep

Fun Facts

What is something fun, exciting, or unexpected about yous?

Fun facts are great considering they normally become people thinking about their own quirks and memories. Information technology's a great method of bonding.

  • Your newfound passion project
  • You have an identical twin
  • You're really practiced at rollerblading, chess, or a sport
  • A story near a strange or funny encounter with a celebrity
  • A superstition or conspiracy theory you're interested in (Tread lightly hither, though. Aliens are fun conspiracies. A global plot against humanity? Not and then fun.)
  • Your get-go childhood shell
  • An embarrassing story that makes y'all express joy in hindsight
  • Your favorite comfort-binge Tv set show
  • The first concert y'all attended
  • You have double-jointed thumbs or "toe thumbs"
  • The last time you had "church building laughs"—aka you were laughing hysterically in an inappropriate identify
  • Random facts that y'all know (like the ends of shoelaces are called "aglets")
  • Something you can repeat by memory (like the 150 prepositions or every land uppercase)

Answer with a Fun Fact:

"I'chiliad very interested in astrology and learning more than about myself, others, and the world effectually me. Uncovering someone'southward astrology chart helps me better understand where the private is coming from, how they similar to exist communicated with, and how they like to communicate."

Funny Stories

Your funny stories may not exist for the interview setting (though, who knows? Maybe they are perfect!) merely we compiled a list of fun facts to brand everyone laugh—and hopefully relate.

Information technology never hurts to lighten up the mood with appropriate funny things. This tin sometimes open up up rapport and leave anybody in an interview process—or on a first appointment—feeling more than at ease.

  • The story of your first date
  • The worst job interview experience yous ever had (and what you learned from it)
  • An embarrassing story from your teenager years (don't act like you don't accept one)
  • A time your biggest fearfulness (something airheaded, like bugs) fabricated you deed irrationally
  • The funniest thing you misunderstood as a immature child (like thinking the world was black and white when pictures were black and white)
  • How y'all earned a babyhood nickname
  • The worst thing a sibling ever did to yous (think funny, non traumatic)
  • A 100 percent humiliating story that ever makes folks laugh

Answer with a Funny Story:

"For my offset job interview ever, I arrived a calendar week early to the interview. The hiring manager actually thought it was funny—even a week later when I came dorsum to actually interview. I learned the magic of using Google Calendar after that day. I did get the job, though!"

Interesting Facts

What is a fact that sheds low-cal on your personality and how you got to where you are today?

  • Your non-traditional career path
  • Your hobbies and interests outside of work
  • An SFW story that is almost too expert to believe
  • A skill yous learned in the final few years
  • Your biggest personal goal for the new twelvemonth
  • A time y'all broke a bone or the story behind a scar (every bit long equally it isn't traumatizing for you to share)
  • Have you had your appendix or tonsils removed?
  • Something you lot're irrationally afraid of (similar bugs!)
  • A recurring dream you take had + what you think it might mean

Answer with an Interesting Fact:

"I started college as a nursing pupil. While my career path has completely changed since and so, I believe my want to assistance others has remained the same."

How to Respond "Tell Me a Fun Fact About Yourself" in an Interview Setting

Does it brand you lot stand out? Is your response memorable? Does it help the interviewer acquire more about your personality and how you may fit into the company?

Tip one: Don't Call up Besides Hard Virtually It + Have Fun With It

We know this question is tough because of how open up-ended it is. Apply this to your advantage. Accept this opportunity to share something about yourself that usually wouldn't come up up on your resume or cover letter.

Who knows, maybe your interviewer is also a vegan who is passionate almost environmental sustainability.

Even if this isn't the case, an interesting fact about yourself is a peachy conversation starter.

Pro Tip: If you know who your interviewer is beforehand, conduct a little research online. Find commonalities between yourself and the interviewer—it could be schools attended, cities you lived in, or connections you have in common.

Tip 2: Exist Honest and Genuine

This advice applies to any interview question. Make sure to be yourself and show the company who you lot actually are, not who you lot think they want you to be. There'south no signal in sharing a hobby or interest that isn't something you relish or engage in.

Furthermore, if you define yourself as a "world traveler" and tin can't proper name your favorite travel destination, it could make the interviewer question your brownie.

Tip 3: Detect a Artistic Way to Relate Your Response Back to the Job

Relating a fun fact about yourself back to the job may exist the hardest office of this process. If y'all're really looking to print the interviewer, consider the types of fun facts that reveal who you lot are as a leader or coworker.

For example, maxim you're a role-time yoga instructor doesn't only communicate your interest in health and wellbeing. It also signals your ability to lead a team, practice mindfulness, and invest in cocky-improvement.

Pro Tip: Consider using story circles to reply questions around your personality.

What Not to Say When Answering "Tell Me a Fun Fact About Yourself" in an Interview

While the question "tell me a fun fact virtually yourself" allows you to share something (annihilation) about yourself, at that place are some answers you'll want to avoid.

"In that location Isn't Anything Especially Interesting Near Me."

Commencement of all, this isn't truthful. Confidence is vital in the interview—even if you have to fake it. This answer undermines your confidence and self-worth.

There's something unique about all of us. Secondly, being able to concur a conversation and talk near yourself is vital when working with potential employers, clients, or coworkers. Your story, path, and life are interesting—share it with others!

Cocky-Deprecating Jokes or Negative Cocky-Talk

There'southward no need to undermine yourself or your accomplishments, especially during a job interview. How might this behavior play out when answering "tell me a fun fact about yourself?"

Permit'southward say you lead upwards to your answer by saying something like "This might exist weird, but…" or "I know this isn't actually fun, only…" This is negative self-talk.

If you think your fact is fun and it says something about who you are, say it with confidence.

Information That is Besides Personal

Be sure to avert facts that reveal personal information almost yourself. If it is illegal for interviewers to ask nigh this information, you lot should avoid information technology likewise.

Refrain from sharing a fact that could be used to discriminate against yous in the hiring procedure. This includes stating your marital or parental condition, your age, or your sexual identity, to name a few.

Unprofessional Moments or Anecdotes

While this question is supposed to be fun, call back that y'all're in a professional setting interviewing for a job. Sharing what you did last weekend may not exist appropriate or relevant in this case.


Source: https://www.careercontessa.com/advice/fun-fact-about-yourself/

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